Skylight Counseling & Consultation, LLC

Jamie Knott, LCPC, PMH-C

Welcome to your trusted source for all pregnancy related mental health therapy in Montana.

We all struggle sometimes. It’s part of being human. Parenthood is full of highs and lows. Have you been feeling overwhelmed, deep sadness, increased anxiousness or more irritable or angry? Do you feel like you aren’t sure who you are anymore? Like this isn’t how you envisioned how things would be? Do you feel like you are never enough? Do you wonder if there are others who feel like giving up, running away or the world would be better if you weren’t in it?

If you feel like you can relate, if you are doubting and second-guessing things, this is your opportunity to advocate for your mental health and stop minimizing how you feel. More than 600,000 women will suffer from a maternal mental health disorder like postpartum depression. You may feel like your spark is dull, but the fire in your soul can be reignited.

You deserve to invest in yourself. You have the power within you that gives you the strength to take on life’s challenges. You deserve to go from feeling hopeless to hopeful, powerless to powerful.

Specializing in Maternal Mental Health

Offering compassion, hope and healing across Montana in-person and through telehealth. 

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy allows you to tell your story, process and release emotional experiences that are impacting your wellbeing. Being vulnerable and gaining deeper understanding of yourself is about being brave and is an act of courage. Individual therapy focuses solely on you and your goals.


Telehealth offers the same benefits of individual therapy with the flexibility of therapy in your home or office. As a Mom it can be hard to get out of the house with an infant or small children. 

Group Therapy

Group Therapy provides opportunity for connection with other Mama’s who may be experiencing similar challenges related to motherhood. It offers a supportive and caring space to feel validation and receive encouragement. 

Consultation Services

Mental Health Consultation is an evidenced based intervention for supporting social emotional development and addressing challenging behavior.

What you get:

Navigating the infant and toddler world can be stressful and overwhelming. I offer expert guidance on supporting teachers, parents, programs and systems to prevent, identify, treat and reduce mental health problems. Consultation empowers caregivers, teachers and parents so they feel confident and competent with infusing promotion, prevention and intervention strategies into everyday routines. Reflective consultation gives caregivers an opportunity for reflection, guidance, and skill development. 

Free 15 Minute Consultation:

Call 406.560.7972 for a free 15-minute consultation call.

Hi, I'm Jamie Knott!

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and certified in Perinatal Mental Health (PMH-C). I have extensive training and specialize in supporting women experiencing infertility, infant loss, women who are pregnant, women who have given birth and are postpartum, and women who are looking to feel empowered. Pregnancy and the postpartum can impact a woman’s mental health. At Skylight Counseling, I offer compassion to individuals and couples to address all emotions from rage to hopelessness. Since 2010, I have worked with children, teens and adults ranging in a variety of settings. Most recently, I have specialized in infant and toddler mental health. I provide a non-judgmental safe space, and honor all humans and their individual experiences.

Certifications & Trainings

  • Postpartum Support International Certification in Perinatal Mental Health
  • Postpartum Support International 2-day Certificate Course in Perinatal Mood Disorders
  • Postpartum Support International Advanced Psychotherapy Certificate Training
  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Contact Us

Call 406.560.7972 for a free 15-minute call to see if Skylight Counseling, LLC is the best option for your mental health needs, and schedule your initial appointment.

Phone/Telehealth Services



The name Skylight Counseling is inspired and in honor of my sister-in-law, Skyla. Skyla was 27-years-old when she died by suicide. It represents that even when there is darkness the light is coming and will shine through.

“I had everything I needed to be happy. And yet, for much of the year, I felt unhappy. I looked at my doctor, and my eyes welled up because I was so tired of being in pain. Of sleeping on the couch. Of waking up throught the night. Of throwing up. Of taking things out on the wrong people. Of not enjoying life. Of not seeing my friends. Of not having the energy to take my baby for a stroll. My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, “Yep, yep, yep.” I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety…I felt selfish, icky, and weird saying aloud that I’m struggling. Sometimes I still do…I’m speaking up now because I want people to know it can happen to anybody and I don’t want people who have it to feel embarrassed or to feel alone.”

-Celebrity Chrissy Teigen

“In her memoir, Becoming, Michelle wrote about her miscarriage: “I felt lost and alone, and I felt like I failed because I didn’t know how common miscarriages were, because we don’t talk about them. We sit in our own pain, thinking that somehow we’re broken. I think it’s the worst thing that we do to each other as women, not share the truth about our bodies and how they work, and how they don’t work.”

-First Lady Michelle Obama